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Green Building Blog

A Free Gift for GBA Pro Members

Download “The Energy Smart House,” a new e-book from Taunton

The Energy-Smart House is a new 192-page book from Taunton Press.
Image Credit: Taunton Press

As most regular readers know, our website has been plagued by software glitches for many months. These problems include unexplained site crashes, “access denied” errors, and a broken spam filter which caused commercial messages to be posted on our Q&A pages.

All of us here at GBA would like to take this opportunity to apologize to GBA subscribers and readers. The current level of service that GBA is offering is unacceptable — unacceptable to our readers, unacceptable to GBA, and unacceptable to the Taunton Press.

We pride ourselves on providing quality content and the highest level of service to our customers. We have been working diligently on fixing the website problems for months and came to the conclusion with the help of outside experts that an entire website rebuild was necessary.

The rebuild has been underway for some time. We expect to launch the new site within a month.

Throughout these trying months, GBA employees have been gratified at expressions of support and loyalty from GBA readers. This website has managed, in spite of its many flaws, to create a valuable online community. We’re humbled by that fact, and grateful.

As a token of our appreciation for the undeserved loyalty exhibited by our subscribers, we are offering a small gift to all GBA Pro members: a free download of a Taunton book, The Energy Smart House. While we know that this gift is no substitute for a smoothly functioning website, the gift is a symbol of our gratitude for your patience. Here is the link to the page which will allow GBA Pro Members to download the e-book. (Note that this download will only be available through January 6, 2014.)

If you aren’t a GBA subscriber, but are interested in the book, you can learn more by clicking this link: The Energy Smart House.

Thanks again to all of you who are still visiting GBA. We look forward to a better 2014.


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