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Do spray foam manufacturers have to abide by air quality requirments in their own factory?

iMAhMxy2tq | Posted in Building Code Questions on

I have an environmental concern about Demilec USA, 2925 Galleria Drive, Arlington, 76011.
I am a chemical services and salesperson in N. Texas, with 20+ years’ experience and in direct dealing with Demilec and several of their former employees, I have learned that they operate their chemical plant (10+ years) without any permits or reporting-no air, storm water, waste permits, Tier ll, SARA lll, waste minimization plan, TSCA, Process Safety Management, etc.
This is not of ignorance, rather the owners and managers believe they will not be investigated so they will not act unless they are caught and forced to comply. They even brag about this.
This chemical plant has an outside bulk tank farm and handles corrosives, sensitizers, marine pollutants, poisonous, amine, isocyanates, brominated, chlorinated and chlorofloro (bulk Freon) compounds. And the chemical plant backs up to a rail line and a storm water run-off directly to a creek.
They dispose of used chemical drums by allowing people to pick up empty drums, with no manifest/records for proper disposition and or disposal.
Further, they are constructing a new chemical reaction plant to make polyols; using catalysts, caustics, flammables, peroxides and will be generating process and fugitive air emissions & mixed waste streams-acids, caustics, polluted water and mixed glycols & what else? Construction is underway, equipment & bulk tanks are on site, some have been sitting outside for weeks and they have not made any public notice for air permit hearings or anything.
I feel it is my responsibility under Responsible Care and as an effected citizen, to make the TCEQ aware of this matter and to ask for immediate action and sanctions, including a stoppage at this facility, against this company. Too many companies try to do the right thing; I do not feel this one of them. Demilec USA is a big, profitable company and is additionally supported by their Canadian parent company; they have the means to be compliant, they willfully are not.
I must protect my family and my job; however I would like to follow this case.

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  1. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay | | #1

    According to an e-mail sent to me by Mac Sheldon, Western regional manager for Demilec USA, John Smith's post "serves no purpose other than the satisfaction of disgruntled former employees who were terminated for cause."

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