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Why mechanically fasten sump pumps

user-956864 | Posted in Energy Efficiency and Durability on

What other reasons to fasten down sumps?
1) Reducing moisture vapor in basement
2) Air infiltration into house through any holes
3) back flooding into basement

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  1. wjrobinson | | #1

    Moving pumps can pin the float switch inoperable. Also the flex piping can wear a hole in itself. That's what I have seen anyway.

  2. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay | | #2

    The sump is the plastic bucket; the sump pump is the pump that sits in the sump

    Neither the sump nor the sump pump should be able to jiggle around. In most cases, the sump is cast into the concrete floor or secured to the concrete. The sump pump should be secured for the reasons AJ mentioned.

    To reduce air leakage and water vapor entry into the basement, you need an airtight sump lid. One manufacturer is Jackel.

  3. user-956864 | | #3

    Thanks to you both

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