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Do I need an attic fan for a unused attic?

remodelattic | Posted in Energy Efficiency and Durability on

I have an attic space on top of the two car garage which is insulated. There is no ventilation. I only use this space to store empty tv boxes and computer boxes just in case i have to return. this attic opens into a closet upstairs. The highest point is 4 feet. PLease help me with this.
thank you

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  1. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay | | #1

    No, you don't need an attic fan. Nor do you need any ventilation openings. More information here: Fans in the Attic: Do They Help or Do They Hurt?

  2. remodelattic | | #2

    Can I put insulation and drywall the attic space then. I want this to be clean.

  3. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay | | #3

    If you want to convert your attic to a conditioned space, and you plan to insulate the sloped roof assembly, then you should follow the requirements for any insulated sloped roof. More information here: How to Build an Insulated Cathedral Ceiling.

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