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Do you recommend turning off water to gas-fired water heaters when going on vacation?

donlandis | Posted in Energy Efficiency and Durability on

Do you recommend turning water off wham you are going to be away for extended periods of time?

To gas hot water heaters.

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  1. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay | | #1

    The only reason to turn off the water is if you are afraid of a water leak while you are gone. If that is your concern, you would be better off shutting the valve where the water enters your house, so that you shut off all of the water service to your house.

    If you have a drilled well, don't forget to shut off the circuit breaker to your well pump at the same time.

    If you aren't particularly worried about water leaks, you don't have to do this.

    However, you should reduce the temperature of your water heater to its minimum setting before you go; some water heaters have a "vacation" setting. If you know how to light your pilot light (or if your water heater doesn't have a pilot light), you can just shut off the gas to your water heater before you go, and light it up again when you return.

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