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Rockboard [mineral wool] or polyiso?

roygoodwin | Posted in Energy Efficiency and Durability on

I’m planning a new house. I’ve been thinking in terms of 2 3/4″ of polyiso on the exterior of the walls. However, I’m now thinking that dense rockwool board *might* be better at least from the standpoint of the wall being able to dry to both the outside & inside. I kinow I’d be giving up some r value, but perhaps I could just up the thickness ? I’m in climate zone 4 Western NC in the mountains. Probably using zip sheating under either insulation board.

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  1. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay | | #1

    To read the accounts of two projects with mineral wool insulation on the exterior side of the wall sheathing, check out these articles:

    Installing Roxul Mineral Wool on Exterior Walls

    Wrapping an Older House with Rock Wool Insulation

    You might also want to read:

    Installing Mineral Wool Insulation Over Exterior Wall Sheathing

  2. LucyF | | #2

    I'm in Upstate SC and did exactly that on our new house. We put 2" Roxul Rockboard wrapping the entire exterior. I chose Rockboard, because I could not easily get Comfortboard. The big box stores have to order Roxul Comfortboard in large pallets and wait for a full load before they order. They estimated 6 weeks for a shipment. I got Rockboard easily from ATS Acoustics online in less than a week. I think Rockboard and Comfortboard are the same product. Here is the GBA post talking about the 2 products:

    Patrick Walshe's blog,, has a good discussion on using mineral wool.

    My blog has some information as well. You could hit the mineral wool insulation under labels and see the posts on how we used the Roxul.

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