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Insulation: what’s best?

wjrobinson | Posted in Energy Efficiency and Durability on

Continuous Insulation.

So who knew continuous insulation was best along with airtightness for the last 40 years?

Bruce Brownell.

What’s the best strategy today to insulate?

Read up on his strategy insulating on the exterior of the entire shell. Learn how to improve upon his ideas here, on the Web, and at Building Science.

Uninterrupted insulation beats the pants off in-stud insulation. Dana here at GBA mentions this all the time, and so does the site and their contributor that holds a PHD in related science.

So insulate, and so with a continuous R factor, no lumps and bumps and studs in the way.

Bruce’s homes are easy to build and fun too.

Aj, A Neighbor to this smart man decades before GBA.

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  1. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay | | #1

    AJ is talking about Bruce Brownell, who has been building homes using a variation on the PERSIST system since the early 1970s.

    If GBA readers are curious to learn more about Bruce and his homes, they might want to read this article: A Pioneer of Low-Energy Homes Since 1973.

    For more information on the PERSIST method, see Getting Insulation Out of Your Walls and Ceilings.

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