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Stair railings

Bpu3S9n5vE | Posted in GBA Pro Help on

Does anyone know where i can buy a book that contains math formulas for curved and offset stair railings?

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  1. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay | | #1

    Here's a link to a likely book. (Full disclosure: I don't know if this book has the math formulas you seek.)

  2. FosterLyons | | #2

    Look for this book:

    "Modern Practical Joinery" by George Ellis. Linden Publishing Company

    I don't think you'll be able to go straight to the CNC machine after reading the few chapters in this book that discuss stairs and railings but it's a good start.

    Good luck. You picked one of the few topics that may be more difficult than durability of wall assemblies.

  3. DWBuilder | | #3

    "A Simplified Guide to Custom Stairbuilding and Tangent Handrailing" by George R. diCristina teaches the tangent method for constructing curved handrail. I don't think it has the math formulas you are looking for--he uses geometric constructions. But there is a wealth of information. If you go to you can preview the book I believe.

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