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GBA Prime

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  1. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay | | #1

    GBA readers can use a GBA page called "Online Customer Service" to get information on canceling their GBA Pro subsciption. Here is the link:
    GBA Online Customer Service.

    This sign-in page is somewhat confusing, and I'm working with Taunton to see if the sign-in page can have clearer instructions. There are four available tabs on this page; if you click on the tabs, you'll be offered different ways to sign in. You don't have to click every tab to gain access -- just one method will get you in.

    Once you have logged in, click "Account Summary" (one of the options in the box on the left -- the box labeled "Service Options"). Then look for a horizontal dark blue bar labeled "Memberships." Under the "Memberships" bar, you should find "GBA Prime" in the "Description" column. Click the red box at the right, the box labeled "Membership Options." At that point, a drop-down menu should appear. Choose "Cancel" from the drop down menu.

  2. user-7059654 | | #2
  3. sethkranzler | | #3

    When I hit cancel, I get "Your order cannot be completed at this time. Please try again later."

    Any way to do this without calling?

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