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Direct source for IGUs?

gusfhb | Posted in General Questions on

A few years back we built some custom sliders for my house and somehow I got Cardinal to sell directly to me. I own a business with a loading dock and a Federal tax number, and was buying a fair bit of glass. I called some time later and the sales guy had retired and the phone plebe gave me some numbers to call that were wholly inappropriate, a replacement window company etc.

In my experience your basic local glass company has expertise that ends with loE and argon, start asking about specific coatings and performance and you are wasting your time

I am looking at replacing what remains of the crap fixed glass in my house, which was built to mimic a ‘Deck House’ , meaning the windows are part of the structure and replacing glass means cutting it out of the frame. no catalog buying for me.

I will probably tray again with Cardinal, maybe I got a bad salesperson on the phone, but any other sources, I will be buying over 100 sq ft of glass triple pane, multi coating, thick as they will make it…

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  1. maine_tyler | | #1

    A timely question for me as well.

    Unfortunately I don't have answers. Only an echo: Where to get just the IGU?

    I am looking to build some custom carriage doors.
    I am in central Maine

    If I do find something, I'll come back to here...

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