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  1. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay | | #1

    This question left me scratching my head, so I sent an e-mail to Adkjac.

    He answered, "Can't seriously believe the intent of the question is missed by you. It is what it is.... meant to invoke thought. Response optional as many prefer.
    Sorry but I have a busy day.... so what do you think of it?
    I think it's a valid topic even if left unanswered or ridiculed...
    What does it make you think... besides deleting it? LOL
    Peace... fellow Greenie

    Of course, I'm still scratching my head.

  2. wjrobinson | | #2

    I'll help... an easy one....(of oh so many)

    "Best Windows made."

  3. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay | | #3

    Are you quoting a Google ad?

    Why is my head itching so much? I'm still scratching it...

  4. Armando Cobo | | #4

    Is Golf Green?

  5. Brett Moyer | | #5

    The question is- Are YOU serious?
    Your question is lame, and so are all of your posts.

  6. T.C. Feick | | #6

    They are doing (some) things that the national manufacturers do not offer the marketplace, but they do it at a very high retail price, and fall alittle short on being all that they can be. Canada has us beat, and can halve the price on comparable units. I like that Serious Windows is addressing a market that is widely ignored by US national manufacturers, but that is the extent of my compliment. To set pricing on your products based upon their "value proposition" as articulated by that same manufacturer seems somewhat.. Oh I don't know. Do some research on Quiet Rock too.

  7. Riversong | | #7

    “To be serious and to be humorless, that's two different things.”
    - Arthur Schnitzler, Austrian playwright (1862-1931)

    But if you're questioning the veracity of the claims of Serious Windows, you should at least do some research.

    Serious not only makes some of the most energy efficient windows in the US, but has also rescued several failed or bankrupt window manufacturer's by buying them out and rehiring employees, including the Republic Window plant in Chicago which the workers took over after being given short notice of closure.

    The energy upgrade team for the Empire State Building that was spearheaded by Amory Lovin's Rocky Mountain Institute chose Serious to rebuild 6500 windows in that iconic building.

    The CEO of Serious Windows, Kevin Surace, was named 2009 entrepreneur of the year by Inc. Magazine, and the company has received national recognition from both Obama and Biden (though there is some evidence of quid-pro-quo for campaign contributions and the fact that a Serious vice president is married to the Energy Department official who overseas the stimulus funding for efficiency).

    They still don't offer as high a SHGC unit as Thermotech, but their pricing is a little better.

    However, the good news is that Pella is now offering - in both their fiberglass Impervia and their aluminum-clad wood Proline - a high-gain double-glazing option called Natural Sun, which offers a
    SHGC of 0.50. And their pricing is unbeatable for the quality of the product.

  8. user-836662 | | #8

    Robert: Pella is on my list to obtain quote for my south facing, high gain windows. Quote will be for a custom-made Impervia with Cardinal LoE on surface #3. I had not heard of Natural Sun, and cannot find this on the Pella website...Do you have a source for Natural Sun info?

  9. wjrobinson | | #9

    "questioning the veracity of the claims of Serious Windows"

    No... nada. There is a fantastic discussion of Expensive windows here;

    and here;

    This thread asked, "are you serious?"

    Intent... for all to answer or not in there own way. Get to know one another a bit more. Like the old saloon over at breaktime was for. Less flaming, and more mix of good serious discussion with a bit of humor and kidding to get past the need for flame thrower use. Ahh... yes... now you all know my take on this question.

    Serious with a bit of irony... bad use of word and lots of chaotic disconnected thought. Thank your god for our individual states of mind and lack of actual close relativity.

  10. wjrobinson | | #10


  11. user-757117 | | #11

    Your thought processes are elevated far beyond what a mere mortal like myself can fathom. No wonder I missed the point. Thanks for clarifying.

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