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Using SPF in a plastered wall.

iXFLykwXDE | Posted in General Questions on

Can you give me the pro’s & con’s of having SPF used in any already plastered wall? These wall would either have very old insulation or none at all.

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  1. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay | | #1

    Do you plan on opening up the wall from the outside, to get full access to the cavities? Or were you planning to drill holes in the plaster, in hopes of pouring or spraying the insulation through the holes?

  2. iXFLykwXDE | | #2

    I thinking about just drilling holes thru the plaster.

  3. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay | | #3

    Assuming we are both talking about spray polyurethane foam, there are products that have been developed for this application. Here is one:

    However, I think dense-packed cellulose makes more sense. These pourable foams can be tricky to install without problems.

  4. wjrobinson | | #4

    spf spruce pine fur.... or spray polyurethane foam... or special people fomenting...

    I can't spell to save my life today!....

    What kind of fur was I thinking.... bear... mink...beaver... tanks... Martin

  5. omMZNUEWtL | | #5

    Do you have brick cladding? If so, insulating the wall may cause freeze/thraw problems you haven't had in the past. Learn more here:

  6. Foamer | | #6

    what kind of wall are we talking about here? Frame, masonry, brick on frame or what? Drill a hole and let us know what you find. Your answer will be important for what we recommend.

    @ A.J. - looks like you had a fun lunch today - or was it just the stress getting to you :-)?

  7. dankolbert | | #7

    All the insulation contractors I know have abandoned drill and pour formulations. IIRC, combination of bad flow and inconsistent curing.

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