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Can I install 1/2 rigid foam to framing and then attach OSB through foam?

G6kBFaZPod | Posted in General Questions on

We are installing R & R red cedar shingles.

Also, what about Tyvek?


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  1. wjrobinson | | #1

    You can, but you have to brace the wall first with metal let-in bracing which most real builders lumber yards should be able to supply.

  2. Expert Member
    ARMANDO COBO | | #2

    Yes, you can up to 1" rigid foam for osb or plywood. There are attachment instructions you must follow. The APA association have all kinds of installation manuals that are free to download.
    Personally, I rather have the rigid foam over the sheathing to avoid Thermal Bridging and condensation issues. The Tyvek, I would install between the sheathing and the rigid foam.
    To install cedar shingles, you can install notched battens over the rigid foam and attached to the studs as a nailing base for the shingles.

  3. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay | | #3

    Thanks for the link to the very interesting document.

    The way I read it, however, it applies to siding like T-111 applied over rigid foam. I'm not sure that the same approach is approved for cedar shingles and OSB over rigid foam -- I would call someone at APA before proceeding.

  4. Expert Member
    ARMANDO COBO | | #4

    You maybe right, Martin. About a year a go when we were talking about the ZipR panel I had the same concerns, so I called the APA, and they told me this document (Form C465) applied to plywood/osb sheathing, but it maybe a good thing if you talk to them as well; maybe I was misguided or I misunderstood.

  5. Expert Member
    ARMANDO COBO | | #5

    Richard and Martin,
    I stand corrected on this issue, sorry. I either received wrong information before or I misunderstood. I called the APA earlier and I just received a response from them: “We are in the process of testing the sheathing right now. If you would like to check back in month I can give you an update on the progress.” - Maria Tomal, APA Product Support Specialist.
    I would suggest Richard to read several GBA threads about Huber Zip System R Sheathing for more information.

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