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Ridge Vent Filter Question

rocko62580 | Posted in General Questions on

I have a ridge vent that also has a “weather filter” I contacted the manufacturer and asked them what the felt filter does and they indicated that it keeps the “garbage out.” My filter appears to be blocked by dust and it is ripped in several places. I am wondering if I should just rip it out since it looks to be blocked anyways. What would you all recommend, and is this filter very important? I am in zone 6. Thanks!

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  1. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay | | #1

    I don't know where you live. But here in Vermont, those filters are important. They reduce snow entry.

  2. rocko62580 | | #2

    Hi Dan. I'm right over the boarder from you in the granite state (NH). Is there a way to replace those filters?

  3. rocko62580 | | #3

    What does the ridge vent being too large have to do with the filter? Are you referencing his 60-40 soffit to ridge vent percentage?

  4. wjrobinson | | #4

    Joe L says ridge vents are too large to start with. Leave it alone.

    Rocky, yes. I really don't have more to add. If your attic interior is not having moisture issues leave all as is.

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