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Dark-coloured roof..?

user-1105327 | Posted in General Questions on

my client wants her standing seam roof to be dark brown. will this, at least partly, sabotage my building’s energy efficiency? or is it a non-factor…

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  1. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay | | #1

    If you build a house with a good thermal envelope -- with at least the code-minimum insulation (more is better) and attention to airtightness -- and if you follow energy experts' advice to keep all ductwork and HVAC equipment inside the home's thermal envelope, then roof color is irrelevant.

  2. Expert Member
    ARMANDO COBO | | #2

    Most metal roof manufacturers have coatings that allow those roofs to be energy efficient; and if you ventilate the roof installation, even better.

  3. user-946029 | | #3

    Maybe not her specific structure, but she will be doing her part to keep some of the sun's warmth around a little longer in her neighborhood.

    All a matter of perspective, I guess.

    P.S. Kudos for not choosing an asphalt shingle roof, though.

  4. wjrobinson | | #4

    "Advice can depend on location. Please specify in your question."

    Erik you could add your location to your last name...

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