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Our hearts go out to the people of Newtown, Conn.

Martin Holladay | Posted in General Questions on

Words cannot express the heartbreak we feel at the tragedy in Newtown.

As many of you know, Taunton Press, the publisher of Fine Homebuilding and Green Building Advisor, is headquartered in Newtown. The lives of Taunton employees are firmly rooted in the Newtown community, and our lives are all intertwined. We are united by all kinds of connections — as colleagues, friends, family, and Americans. Our hearts are broken, and our thoughts and prayers are with you.

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  1. user-1087436 | | #1

    Me too. I said as much in an email to Customer Information.

  2. wjrobinson | | #2

    Hugs, Too Many Tears

  3. jinmtvt | | #3

    How many times has this kind of incident happen in the recent past ?? ( would tragedy be a better word here? ) I feel like it is the 5-6th time in the least 10 years ...

    How many lives have to be ended or ruined ....
    I have 2 young kids that i would give my life for in breeze, so i can't help but think of how broken must their families be.

    Unfortunately, nothing can be done or said to undo...

    Keep your loved one in the best seats of your memory.

    mes plus sinceres condoleances a tous ... :(

  4. dankolbert | | #4

    I'd forgotten that, Martin - I made a pilgrimage to the offices many years ago when I worked in central CT. Oy - another horrible link. Hope everyone there is OK.

  5. LucyF | | #5

    We are all devastated by this tragedy. We are praying along with you.

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