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What types of exterior finish are recommended for pressure treated wood basements? How does one do stucco?

woodbasement | Posted in General Questions on

I have a wood basement that I built many years ago. The house is built on it and its exterior is mostly finished. However, the basement has been wrapped with tyvec and typar and has stucco wire tacked up to hold it in place. The wrap is showing weather wear. I have been unable to find clear, detailed instructions for diy finishing using stucco. What types of finish are recommended? How does one do stucco?

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  1. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay | | #1

    Q. "How does one do stucco?"

    A. Even if I were a skilled stucco installer -- and I'm not, although I stuccoed several new medical clinics that I helped build in Armenia -- I wouldn't attempt to teach a novice the trade in a few paragraphs.

    If you really know as little about the stucco trade as it appears, then you have two choices. You can get a job as a stucco worker's apprentice; after 6 months, you'll know a lot more than you do now. Or you can hire a stucco contractor to finish your foundation. If you are lucky, you'll find a contractor who will train you and give you a few tips.

    There is a third possibility: you will try to pick up a few tips from surfing the internet, and then you will jump right in and try to stucco your foundation. I don't recommend this approach.

  2. woodbasement | | #2

    Thanks for your comments, Marin. Are there other options for an exterior finish on this wood basement exterior above grade?

  3. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay | | #3

    Good question. I think that stucco is the most logical choice.

  4. user-1137156 | | #4

    On the well above grade portion of a wood basement any exterior finish that could be applied to any other wood structure would be suitable. Aluminum siding, vinyl siding, cement board, thin brick, thin stone etc. Within 8" of finished grade and below only materials that are suitable for use below grade should be used. If you use stucco or thin brick or thin stone it is advisable to use stainless mesh and fasteners near and below grade.

  5. woodbasement | | #5

    Thank you. This has been very helpful

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