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An all-window roof

[email protected] | Posted in General Questions on

How would you put a roof over one side of our house that is all windows. there are 16-5×8 double windows at a 45 degree angle.Not all, but some of them leak with every rain. We think we have tried everything to fix them with no luck. The only thing left to do is put a new roof on, but i think it would have to be free standing? It is just going to be myself and my wife doing this job. Dont know what to do! Any suggestions would be appreciated.!!

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  1. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay | | #1

    It sounds like you are describing a roof with a great many skylights, but you may be describing something else -- either the use of greenhouse components, or a site-built mess put together by an owner builder.

    If your roof is framed with conventional rafters, and the rafters are structurally adequate, the removal of your skylights is a fairly simple job. Once the skylights are removed, framing corrections are made as necessary, new sheathing is installed, and then the sheathing is covered by roofing underlayment and roofing. Insulation can be installed above the roof sheathing, between the rafters, or in both locations.

    If the roof doesn't have structurally adequate rafters, you'll need to consult an engineer.

    And if my description of the work is over your head, then you should hire a contractor to do the work.

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