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Is there a humidity calculator out there?

AlanB4 | Posted in General Questions on

I live in a leaky house, the inside humidity tracks the outdoor humidity with a lag and temperature adjusted, but i want to be able to input an outdoor temp and humidity and calculate what the indoor humidity will eventually become at 20ºC (theoretically of course).

Basically i want to know what the resulting humidity would be at an input temp and humidity if that air was raised to 20C

I know the outdoor will eventually change before the indoor catches up but it would be useful to me.

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  1. davidmeiland | | #1 ... one of many

    Adjust your temp and humidity, keeping the dewpoint constant, and you have your answer.

  2. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay | | #2

    Further discussion of your question and how to answer it can be found here: How to Use the Psychrometric Chart.

  3. Quentin blade | | #3

    That one does the job....but for just RH and dew pts a simplier one to use

    Temperature, Dewpoint, and Relative Humidity Calculator = http : // einstein.atmos.colostate . edu/~mcnoldy/Humidity.html

    Enter temp and then enter either dew pt or RH to find the other.

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