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Filling the gap

GBA Editor | Posted in Webinar Follow-up Q&A on

I have a warehouse with brick walls. There is a raised foundation and douglas fir wood floors in part of the building. There is a gap of about one inch between the edge of the wood floors and the brick. What should I fill that gap with to minimize moisture transfer?

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  1. GBA Editor
    MIKE GUERTIN | | #1

    Is there a reason to fill the gap with anything? The gap is a good thing - it prevents moisture migrating through the brick from contacting and wicking into the wood.

    If filling the space is necessary, I would use high density spray foam mainly because it is closed cell so won't transfer moisture between brick and wood. You do have to be concerned about any contact between the wood and the supporting foundation beneath. It is possible that spray foam around that area could trap moisture and force it (or more if it) to wick into the bottom of the wood. Lots of specific details to evaluate so be careful how you approach the work so you don't create unintended consequences.

  2. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay | | #2

    Closed-cell spray polyurethane foam.

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