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Spider Tie concrete house?

SwitchgrassFarmer | Posted in Green Building Techniques on

Showed up on Facebook today; I didn’t find it in a search on GBA.

Spider Tie Concrete House

Posted by Viral in USA on Thursday, June 22, 2017


(I live in a home with an ICF foundation. We had a “miss” on bracing at one location and ended up with a small “bow” that, fortunately, we were able to take out by milling down the EPS. This video seems to infer that no external bracing is required?

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  1. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay | | #1

    Here's my reaction: When used for walls, this is a forming system. You end up with an uninsulated concrete wall (in other words, a conventional basement wall). Whether this type of wall form makes any sense depends on whether your concrete contractor has any problems with his or her conventional forms.

    It looks like SpiderTie marketing likes to emphasize the fact that the system allows curved walls. That's interesting, as far as it goes. But most homes don't have curved walls, and I'm guessing that these single-use forms are more expensive than conventional forms that get re-used.

    There is one aspect of the system that is interesting: It allows the construction of a sloped roof made of reinforced concrete. In an area where natural disasters are common, that's intriguing -- although probably not cheap.

  2. SwitchgrassFarmer | | #2

    Cocktail party chat with one of Penn State's emeritus architecture professors the other day; somehow we got onto the topic that at one point in his career he had worked with Buckminster Fuller. So I asked him, "Do you live in a geodesic dome home?" The answer was "no".

    Curved walls are unappealing to most it seems. Is it because they are uncommon due to the difficulty of construction? Or have techniques for straightforward construction not been developed because curved walls have other fundamental challenges like furniture placement? Are there even higher level subliminal problems with curves, along the lines of Feng Shui like issues? (We had a "nothing round, nothing shiny" rule when we built our home.)

    BTW, that emeritus professor, he had driven one of Bucky's Dymaxion cars. That is pretty darn cool.

  3. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay | | #3

    A friend of mine built a dome home. Lots of problems: furniture placement; kitchen cabinets; of course, roofing.

    Curved walls look good, but they are usually impractical.

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