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Following Argue’s super-insulated retrofit plan (circa 1981)

cbachand4772 | Posted in Green Building Techniques on

After seeing a reference to Robert Argue’s 1981 Super-Insulated Retrofit book on this site I went out and purchased a lightly used copy online. I am now in need of some advice…following Argue’s plan of wrapping the outside of your home with polyethylene sheeting and building curtain walls filled with horizontal and vertical layers of unfaced fiberglass sounds great..but is there a better combination of materials (roxul in place of fiberglass, ice and water in place of polyethylene?) to achieve the same level of insulation and air tightness? My house is in the NEK of Vermont, balloon framed and little to no insulation in the walls. I would love to use cellulose if possible but it seems risky at best…any thoughts? Maybe a more modern approach? thanks in advance

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  1. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay | | #1

    Few people follow Robert Argue's 1981 advice anymore. Fiberglass batts are not a high-performance insulation choice.

    Check out this site and you'll find many retrofit approaches for walls, including:

    Mineral wool: Installing Mineral Wool Insulation Over Exterior Wall Sheathing

    Spray foam: Brand New Appearance and Performance for An Older Duplex

    Spray foam: Deep Energy Makeover

    Rigid foam: An Old House Gets a Superinsulation Retrofit

    Nailbase: A Deep Energy Retrofit Using Nailbase Insulation Panels

    SIPs: A Leaky Old House Becomes a Net-Zero Showcase

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