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Air or vapor barrier for attic (using cellulose)?

Stripes7 | Posted in Green Products and Materials on

Is there a certain air or vapor barrier that I should install before hanging ceiling sheetrock? The attic will be insulated with blow in cellulose. The attic will be vented at the soffit and with a ridge vent, nothing else. House is in zone 5. Probably R-40 to R-50 in terms of the amount of cellulose. I am looking at using the Certainteed smart membrane like I will on mineral wool walls.

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  1. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay | | #1

    Every insulated assembly needs an air barrier. If you are installing a drywall ceiling with cellulose above, the drywall is usually the air barrier. For this approach to work, you need to make sure to seal air leaks in all penetrations (plumbing vents, wiring penetrations, and attic hatches). You need to avoid the installation of any recessed can lights. And you need to select airtight electrical boxes if your ceiling includes any electrical boxes.

    Building codes do not require (and building scientists do not recommend) a vapor barrier for this type of ceiling; all you need in Zone 5 is a vapor retarder (a less stringent layer than a vapor barrier). Most builders use vapor-retarder paint (a primer) for this purpose -- that's usually a cheaper approach than Certainteed MemBrain. However, if you want to use MemBrain, it will certainly work.

    For more information on this issue, see Do I Need a Vapor Retarder?

    -- Martin Holladay

  2. Stripes7 | | #2

    In terms of electrical boxes, including ceiling and walls, is the moldable putty a smarter option than fire-rated spray foam or caulking?

  3. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay | | #3

    I'm a fan of airtight electrical boxes. Below is a list of manufacturers or distributors. Note that this list might be out of date -- check availablility.

    Other methods, including the use of caulk or putty, can work, as long as the airtightness is verified with a blower door. Be careful with spray foam -- filling an electrical box with spray foam is a code violation.

    5016 Pacific Highway
    Ferndale, WA 98248

    Allied Moulded Products, Inc.
    222 North Union St.
    Bryan, OH 43506
    Fax: 800-237-7269
    Airtight electrical boxes (Vapor Seal boxes)
    They call them "energy-efficient" electrical boxes or "vapor seal" electrical boxes.

    8685 Black Maple Drive
    Eden Prairie, MN 55344
    [email protected]

    American Aldes Ventilation Corp.
    4537 Northgate Court
    Sarasota, FL 34234-2124
    Fax: 941-351-3442
    Distributor / retailer of Ryeco Enviroseal airtight electrical boxes

    from Shelter Supply

    Energy Federation Inc.
    14 Tech Circle
    Natick, MA 01760
    Fax: 508-870-9933
    Retailer of energy-saving equipment, including airtight electrical boxes
    LESSCO airtight electrical boxes
    Enviroseal airtight electrical boxes

    LESSCO Low Energy Systems Supply Company, LLC
    W1330 Happy Hollow Road
    Campbellsport, WI 53010
    Manufacturer of Lessco airtight electrical boxes

    Pine Ridge Builders
    613 2nd Street NE
    Jamestown, ND 58401
    [email protected]
    Foam box for air sealing electrical boxes -- Energy Block

    RYECO Products
    1 Church Street #10
    Keswick, ON L4P 3E9
    Fax: 905-476-0475
    Ryeco is the manufacturer of Enviroseal airtight electrical boxes (The boxes are actually manufactured by their sister company, LDI Industries)
    The boxes are sold in the U.S. by EFI
    Also sold by:
    American Aldes Ventilation Co.
    Hanson Energy, Newcastle, ME

    Thomas & Betts Corp.
    8155 T&B Blvd.
    Memphis, TN 38125-8888
    800-816-7809 ??
    Fax: 901-252-1305
    Manufacturer of the NuTek electrical boxes
    Plastic boxes with a stiff flange and a compressable gasket.
    NuTek plastic airtight electrical boxes are available from:
    Shelter Supply

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