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Are there any independent reviews for Whole House Fans?

xne5SLa5T6 | Posted in Green Products and Materials on

I’m looking for a whole house fan for a 3000 sq ft house. I would like it to have an insulation cap and be as quiet as possible. You recommend the Tamarack line on your site, but I’m looking for more information about brands pros/cons. thanks, Caroline Howell

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  1. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay | | #1

    There is no advertising on the GBA Web site, and we have no financial connection to product manufacturers, so all GBA reviews are independent. You are correct that several GBA articles have recommended Tamarack whole-house fans.

    Here is a link to the GreenSpec listing for Tamarack fans. GreenSpec is produced by editors at our sister publication, Environmental Building News:

  2. xne5SLa5T6 | | #2

    Thanks, Martin. The one I have in my own home does not have the cap and i have learned of its importance for indoor air quality and insulation. My whole house fan paid for itself in 2 months of Los Angeles air conditioning bills during a heat wave two summers ago. Thanks again, Caroline Howell

  3. sigrid carter | | #3

    Our hous has a flat roof. I keep the winows in our house open. Will this work for your fan?

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