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Best refinishing products for oak floors?

GBA Editor | Posted in Green Products and Materials on

I’m a renter and the hardwood floors in my apt. need to be refinished. My landlord wants a product that will stand up over time (hopefully as well as the high VOC oil polyurethanes she’s used in the past). I have chemical sensitivities and need something non-toxic, (I can vacate for a week or two during off-gassing). What is the best-looking, longest-wearing, most non-toxic option?

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  1. user-659915 | | #1

    I'd suggest you look at water-based rather than oil-based polyurethanes. To the extent that outgassing may track with odor I can offer anecdotal evidence: my office floor refinished with traditional urethanes was still generating noticeable odor more than six months after application. When I refinished my hardwoods at home I used a water-based Bostic product. Odor was completely gone in a week and after five years they are still in excellent condition. Other advantages: water-based urethanes do not yellow with age, do not easily show scratches and are easy to touch up: also you can walk on it three hours after application and you can apply two coats in a day. I used an untinted satin finish which leaves an oak floor with the blond look of bamboo.

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