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Waterless vs. ultra efficient urinals

Eddy1 | Posted in Green Products and Materials on

I am planning on installing one in my house & want to know if anyone has an opinion or experience w/ which would require less maintenance over time.

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  1. BobConnor | | #1

    No, NO, NO NO, NO To waterless!!! I once worked at a service plaza on the PA turnpike where they just built a new building and we had those. They would often clog and the cartridge inside them cost $40.00! just for plastic. Also, the pipe behind it often clogged and its the worst smelly mess. To be truthful I would rather have a regular toilet with an elongated bowl than have a urinal.

  2. bil_the_til | | #2

    Waterless has gotten a bad reputation -- nobody reads the instruction manual. Some models have very expensive maintenance requirements. I would look for a micro flush or scheduled automatic micro flush. I have studied this for a long time. Waterless works, google nomix toilet. Europe has approved this appliance. That says waterless science is sound. I hold U S patent # 8001625. I think the approval of the nomix toilet will give corporate America a wake up call. Urine must be frequently rinsed from the trap or urine scale will form and block the passage. Know the maintenance requirements before you buy!
    PS: Never put anything in a waterless or micro flush urinal except urine!

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