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Charging for Twike

klbolt | Posted in Green Products and Materials on


I run the Twike on my farm and charge it for a couple of hours. My farmhouse is medium big with 4 kw solar panels installed atop roofs. With the roofs facing towards south, the energy production is prolific when there’s much sun, I must say. I also have a 1 kw immersion tank that runs on solar power. Recently I came across this switching device called solarimmersion. Has anyone installed it? How can the power management get efficient with this? Any ideas?

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  1. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay | | #1

    First, for my benefit and the benefit of other GBA readers, some definitions:

    Twike: The brand name of a small, three-wheeled electric vehicle.

    Immersion tank: I'm not sure. I know what an "immersion heater" is, but not an "immersion tank." Some farms have watering tanks for cattle that need immersion heaters during the winter. Some farms may have "immersion tanks" for such tasks as dipping sheep -- but I'm just guessing.

    SolarImmersion: The brand name of a control device that turns on an immersion heater when a PV array is producing more power than is being used by the building where the PV array is installed. This device may make sense if you live in a location where the local utility does not offer net metering, or where the local utility offers a low price for electricity purchased from homeowners with PV arrays.

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