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Nyle Geyser RE problem

aej | Posted in Mechanicals on

I’ve seen the Geyser RE mentioned on this forum numerous times, so I am hoping someone can help me troubleshoot my unit. I installed one this summer, connected to a new 80 gallon State electric water heater. It worked for a couple of days and then starting tripping the circuit breaker. It was a 15 amp circuit (I was using a 25′ 12 gauge extension cord to reach it which tech support had ok’d beforehand). I thought maybe the combo of a 15 amp circuit and the extension cord was the problem, so I wired a new dedicated 20 amp circuit right next to the unit, but the problem persisted.

Tech support sent me a new relay, but that didn’t fix it. I hooked up a kill-a-watt to it and observed it for a cycle. It would run for about 2 hours, then start to shut down. But right at that point the compressor would kick back on, but not circulate water, and it would be drawing 0.33 amps (not the 4-7 it does during normal operation). It would run like this for several hours until the breaker tripped.

I reviewed all my connections and wiring. I plugged a dehumidifier into the same outlet and it ran fine for days. I sent the unit back and they can’t find anything wrong with it and have never heard of the unit shutting down a cylce but then the compressor kicking back on until the breaker trips.

Anyone have any ideas? Right now they still have the unit, and I am not sure how proceed.


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  1. davidmeiland | | #1

    They should send you another one, and then figure out what went wrong with the first on their own time.

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