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Manual D spreadsheet examples?

jonathanforddalton | Posted in Mechanicals on

Hi, I’m looking for any completed examples of the Manual D spreadsheet which is given out free from ACCA:

Thanks to this site for educating me on the importance of Manual J and D calculations. I know there’s software for this but a) I’m cheap, and b) I’m a nerd and like to get into the details.

My hard copy of the manual is in the mail and while I wait I’d like to figure out the sheet as much as possible.

I’ve searched the internet and cannot find any examples anywhere. Hoping there’s some pros or keen DIY’ers on here who don’t mind sharing. It will be used for educational purposes only.

Thanks a lot

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  1. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay | | #1

    Here is a link to a document that may or may not be helpful:
    An example of duct sizing.

    For information on alternate methods of duct sizing, you may wish to see this article: All About Furnaces and Duct Systems. (In that article, you probably want to scroll down to the section with the heading, "Designing a duct system.")

  2. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay | | #2

    Here is a link to a document that includes a completed duct design example: Sample Manual D duct design.

    Here is a description (from a web forum) of how to design a duct system: How to Calculate a Manual D.

  3. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay | | #3

    This document walks you through an example of a residential duct design:
    Residential HVAC Design Summary

    This 1981 manual on residential duct design was published by the NAHB: Residential Duct Systems.

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