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Load rating for 2×4 by 2×6 post

tjeicher | Posted in Mechanicals on

We are adding a second floor over living area, the room size is 35′ x 18.5′. We have divided the room into three sections with a two support beams in middle of the 18.5′ section. What would the load rating be for the post if it is made of 2- 2×4 and 2- 2×6 hollow middle?

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  1. gusfhb | | #1

    why not use a proper post and trim it as you see fit?

    A 4x4 post or steel column has a tremendous compressive stregth

  2. Expert Member

    As Keith said, solid posts, or posts built up from well nailed dimensional lumber have high compressive strength.
    I'm not sure how you would even determine an accurate value for the post you are describing, and my guess is your building inspector would want to see some engineering before approving it.

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