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No minisplit contractors close by

bradrh | Posted in Mechanicals on

Would it be stupid to install a Fujitsu or Mitsub minisplit with the nearest Fujitsu or Mitsub contractor 60-75 miles away? Can other contractors work on these?

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  1. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay | | #1

    I'm in favor of having a service technician closer than that -- 30 miles or less.

  2. Expert Member
    Dana Dorsett | | #2

    There isn't a lot of proprietary "special magic" under the sheet metal, but some, and competent refrigeration techs should be able to debug most problems. Having support closer than 60-70 miles is better than not having it, but 60-70 miles isn't necessarily a show-stopper if the contractor is dedicated to supporting their installs. You'd have to read the fine print on the warranty to find out whether having a random refrigeration tech working on it creates a problem.

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