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Green or LEED builders in zone 5B (Central Arizona)?

mooney231lv | Posted in PassivHaus on

I’m building a home in the central part of Arizona (Sedona) in about a year. I’m currently under contract with a designer who appears to have some comfort and knowledge with Green/LEED design and is excited to design my home around these principals. He is somewhat reluctant, however, to give me names of builders he would recommend. I suspect this is because he doesn’t wish to alienate any with whom he regularly works.

Is there a listing of builders in this area that are experienced with Green/LEED building principals?

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  1. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay | | #1

    One approach you might take is to talk to energy raters in your area and ask them to recommend builders. You can search for certified energy raters in your area at the websites of the two organizations that certify these raters (RESNET and BPI).

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