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Specifying or noting “Mooney” x-hatching on ext. walls

fourforhome | Posted in Plans Review on

The contractor who is building the dried-in shell for my house gave me the green light to add the “Mooney”-like cross-hatching to the exterior walls. The building department wants to see the x-hatch on the plans that I submit.
I’m showing the ext. walls 1½” thicker but I don’t know the right ways to note the x-hatching.
Could someone attach a couple examples or describe the appropriate note?
Does someone have a detail drawing they have used before?

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  1. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay | | #1

    I found this illustration using Google Images. (I'm not endorsing this detail -- I wouldn't use polyethylene in the middle of the wall, for instance.)


  2. fourforhome | | #2

    Martin, Is there enough clarity in my Mooney detail to convince a plans examiner?

  3. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay | | #3

    If you need to satisfy a plans examiner, you should talk to your plans examiner, not me. I have no idea what the requirements are.

    If I were a builder, and you asked me to build this, I'd have lots of questions:

    1. What does "DF" stand for?

    2. What do you mean by "cross hatching"? If you mean, "horizontal 2x3s, 24 inches on center" or perhaps "horizontal 2x3s, 16 inches on center" then that's what you should write.

    3. How are you maintaining your interior air barrier at the partition intersection?

    4. Depending on where the house is being built, the code might require an interior vapor retarder. What's your plan for providing an interior vapor retarder, if one is needed?

    5. What type of insulation is specified -- batt insulation or blown-in insulation?

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