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Technology Maturity

GBA Editor | Posted in Project Management on

Has anyone else experiences to share of technologies that started really basic and have improved over time? I recall Howard Liddell telling a story that in the 1970s, they sawed steel tar barrels in half to make solar collectors. It really was rough and ready back then.

I am sure if any of you have experience of integrating new technologies and systems into building projects, this podcast should prove of interest to you. In particular, December 14, 2007. SunPower Podcast Series – Part 1: Discovering Solar at Stanford. A great line was: In 1980, the PV industry had reached a megawatt in capacity.

In MP3 format,

For iTunes.

In this six-part series, Greentech Media’s President, Scott Clavenna, sits down with Dick Swanson, one of the most important figures in the U.S. solar industry for a conversation about his company, his history in the solar industry, and his thoughts on the future of the renewable energy market and SunPower’s ability to remain competitive in this explosive global market.

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  1. homedesign | | #1

    I am having trouble navigating the menu at the MP3 link
    Which Menu heading is the recording under?

    thanks for the links you posted yesterday
    I am still exploring

  2. Brian O' Hanlon | | #2

    Down at the bottom of my first link, there are a series of squares labelled 'SunPower', and part one is the one I listened to earlier today.

  3. Brian O' Hanlon | | #3

    The best thing is to right click and save locally the mp3 file.

  4. homedesign | | #4

    Thanks Brian
    those "squares" were not visible on my screen
    I know where to look now

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