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Green Building News

New York Earmarks Millions for Efficient Building

The state estimates that the $16 million fund will produce energy savings of $9 million annually

Contractors and agencies in New York State can tap into $16 million set aside to promote energy-efficient single- and multi-family housing.
Image Credit: Dow Building Solutions

New York State has set aside $16 million to promote the design and construction of energy-efficient housing. The funds will advance Governor Andrew Cuomo’s campaign to require 50% of the state’s electricity come from renewable sources by 2030.

The money will be made available through the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA), according to a statement published earlier this month. Half the money will be offered to developers and builders of low-rise housing, which includes both single-family and multi-family units less than three stories in height. The rest of the money will go to mid- and high-rise projects.

Roughly 75% of the funds will be earmarked for housing serving people with low to moderate incomes, those most vulnerable to high energy costs and extreme weather, the statement said.

The money is likely to be used for increased insulation, improved air-sealing, high-efficiency heating and cooling equipment, whole-house ventilation, high-performance doors and windows, and high-efficiency lighting.

Officials said that the $16 million investment would lead to annual energy savings of $9 million and total lifetime savings of as much as $180 million. Improved comfort and better air quality are two other benefits. The money is coming from NYSERDA’s Clean Energy Fund, a 10-year, $5.3 billion program intended to support the development of clean energy markets.

Applications will be accepted through the end of 2017, or until the money runs out. There’s more information about the program here.


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