Land surveyor
I have a lot of large trees, mostly pine, though I’m not an expert on trees. Unfortunately, some will need to be taken down to make room for my house.…
Help with incorrect placement of hole in a floor joist
I have a 50-year-old house and had planned to install a two-piece bath. However, the arewhere the installation was to take place required joist repair. The joists had to be…
Water supply line
In my area, 3/4-inch water supply lines are typical, but I could likely specify a 1-inch supply if I plan ahead. we won’t be installing complex multi-head shower enclosures or…
Split system air
If I’m installing a mini-split in a small, well-sealed, and well-insulated new home that will rarely need air conditioning (if ever), but will require heating more frequently, does it make…
Foundation insulation details in Zone 5
Hello all,I'm having a discussion with a local architect (Colorado zone 5) about the details of insulating a finished slab on grade in a new build. Curious if anyone has…
Flooring for bathroom and utility room
I will install TrafficMaster Portage Oak 10 MIL vinyl sheet flooring in the bathroom and utility room of my newly built house. The floors have an OSB subfloor on engineered…
Kraft Paper Vapor Barrier vs. Poly
Hope to keep this simple. Steel building, Climate Zone 4a, steel girts/purlins 6" thick. Wall stackup from outside is: Steel ribbed siding, woven house wrap, 1" XPS, Girts/Fiberglass batts, wallboard. …
Smell from damp proofing
We live in a detached home. Our neighbours damp proofed one side of our foundational wall with Jet Black AE, replaced our dimple wrap, and replaced our broken weeping tile.…
MBTEK heat pump UL or ETL approvals?
Can anyone with experience installing an MBTEK Apollo air to water heat pump post information or a picture of the UL or ETL approvals for the their unit? The product…
Make up air for a 400cfm hood in a less than 1CFM/50 home
I am trying to figure out if I am overdoing this issue. I will be installing a remote Fantech fan to a Fantech hood liner. I am expecting to run…