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Peter Yost and Ann Edminster

Peter Yost and Ann Edminster are seasoned—maybe even spicy—building professionals who have happily worked together for the past two decades. The two share a strong bent for education, along with righteous indignation and irreverent humor. How did this east-meets-west match happen? While Pete—a former builder, high school science teacher, and agronomist—was working for the National Association of Home Builders Research Center in Washington, DC, as a building scientist, Ann—an illegitimate (i.e., unlicensed) architect—was writing a book for the Natural Resources Defense Council in San Francisco: Efficient Wood Use in Residential Construction: A Practical Guide to Wood, Money, and Forests (which became a cult classic, despite its ponderous title). Pete’s expertise on advanced framing was crucial to Ann’s book research, planting the seeds of a durable friendship. In the intervening 20 years, each has inveigled the other into a wide range of collaborations, even extending to family vacations.

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