Kitchen or Bath Existing Space- Page 2 of 3
Blog Review: Kitchen-Exchange
Straight talk on kitchen remodels, appliances, and sensible budgeting by Peggy Deras
How to Comply with the New EPA Lead Law
Get certified, document your work, and sub out the big stuff
A Fast Kitchen Addition Made With SIPs
Old houses didn't need big kitchens because they weren't the central gathering spot that today's kitchens are. The 12-ft. by 12-ft. kitchen in the house my wife, Chris, and I…
A Rocky Mountain Remodel Story
Green by design
Greenest Room in the House
Kitchens of the past were often dark, cramped places where a solitary cook would toil. Now that it has evolved into the social hub of the house, people usually want…
Water Heating
UPDATED 04/05/2012Tank or Tankless: Reduce the Load to Lower Water Heating Costs
Green Remodeling is a Process of Discipline and Discovery
When you're talking about building and remodeling three words should be part of the conversation: Green, smart, and quality. Some parts are up to consumers, some are up to us.…
Changes to ASHRAE’s Residential Ventilation Standard
Window Opening Is No Longer an Option; Garage Air Barrier Requirements Tightened. ATLANTA, GA — The American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) has published four amendments…