Thermal breaks for window bucks for PHIUS certified
Hi Guys,I am building a PHIUS-certified house in Canada as a self-build project.I am finalizing the design for the window installation and I am encountering some difficulties.My wall is about…
ICF air barrier transitions
Hello there.Up here in Minneapolis working on affordable Housing Passive certified through the prescriptive path. Single family. we are looking to use ICF (R35) for a full basement. and would like…
Insulation retrofit partial cathedral ceiling
I'm remodeling a 125 year old folk Victorian house in northeast Ohio. Building zone 5. Rarely see colder then -5.So far my wall system has 1.5" of Eps foam and…
Affordable Single Family Passive House Construction Techniques
Hi all-I'm designing a passive house single family home in northern Zone 4a, which is a mixed climate, and I need some feedback on cost effective assemblies please, specifically roof…
Foundation Type for Passive House on Rocky Site
Hi, I'm considering a PassivHaus standard project up in northern Ontario. For the foundation, I've looked into Frost Protected Shallow Foundation (FPSF), as well as helical piers, and the traditional…
Passive House-Level Insulation for House of Glass
How much should I insulate and leverage PassivHaus principles when I have a house of glass? When does it stop making sense? Planning a new 3,500 sf bungalow lake house.…
Wall Assembly for Cold, Wet Climate
I have a mid-90s ranch with the normal OSB sheathing over 2x4 fiberglass batt insulated construction. I'll be doing renovations since we need new siding and windows, so I'm going…
Insulating a Crawlspace Floor
Just starting a deep energy retrofit on a 1956 ranch in Columbus, Ohio. I don't know if we'll achieve true Passive House but we want to do our best at…
Input on thermal simulation software
Hey all,What software do you prefer using for simulating thermal bridges, frsi values, u values, and such? Ive had some luck with HTflux (currently on trial) but want to explore…