Advantech roof & wall sheathing?

New build, tiny house, south Florida, conventional wood frame on slab, building this myself and torturing myself over sheathing choices.
I was originally planning on plywood roof sheathing with Sharkskin Ultra SA underlayment for the roof, and ZIP system walls. But then I started reading about Advantech sheathing and it seems very attractive.
I’m still going to use the Sharkskin on the roof… already bought it. But what WRB to use on Advantech wall sheathing? I’m thinking self-adhered would be superior.
Has anyone here sheathed roof and/or walls with Advantech, what did you use for WRB, and what do you think of it?
I know it’s expensive but it’s a tiny house and we are building it ourselves so I’m not too worried about material cost differential.
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I've only used Advantech as wall sheathing once, as far as I can recall, and we went with Henry Blueskin VP100 as a self-adhered WRB.