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Air sealing tapes

tjones1014 | Posted in General Questions on

We’re redoing the exterior of our 2001 home and were advised here to tape the existing OSB seams prior to installing the WRB (Tyvek Commercial). We are in the North GA area, climate zone 3 (3A/4A border depending on what map you look at).

I was all set to use the Siga Fentrim to tape the foundation OSB seam and the 3M 8067 all weather tape on all of the other OSB seams. But I just talked to a WRB rep/building envelope pro who said that acrylic tape won’t work well in our climate with the heat transfer.

It’s currently colder (highs in low 40s, lows in low 20s), so we were looking for tapes that apply well in the cold. He made a good point, though that when it gets warmer, that tape will likely get hotter than the max temp for the tape when it’s behind the siding layers (Tyvek, Obdyke slicker max, Hardie).

Does anyone have any recs for tapes that’ll work well when applied in colder temps that will get much more hot and humid in the future? Will the Siga Fentrim still work well at the foundation seam?

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  1. arnoldk | | #1

    I used both the ProClima Tescon Vana tape good down to -10 °C (14 °F) and 3M 8067 good down to -18°C (0°F) with good success.

    I used the ProClima Tescon Vana to tape my plywood sheathing as my air barrier and around my window/door. Most of it was installed in the fall just above freezing and inside the house for the vapour barrier (ProClima Intello) it was in February which was anywhere between -2°C (28°F) to -10°C (14°f).
    The 3M 8067 was recently used to tape around the exterior of the windows and it was -8°C (18°F) with no issue. The only thing I found I have to do extra here was to really roll or push down firmly over the tape to make sure I got good adhesion.


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