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Any good thoughts on Drolet wood stoves?

PAUL KUENN | Posted in Energy Efficiency and Durability on

A relative is asking about efficient wood burning stoves. Any thoughts. I would never burn wood outside an occasional campfire using up leftover 2×4 cut offs. I told him any Canadian company can’t be all that bad and it the 2000 is EPA rated whatever that means…

Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated.


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  1. Expert Member

    Paul, An EPA rating on a Canadian made stove simply means that it meets a base standard and can therefore be sold in The States. Compare the efficiency and particulate numbers against similar models from a several different manufacturers - say Regency and Pacific Energy - that will give you an idea of it's comparative performance.
    I don't mean to make light of EPA ratings. Since they came into being the quality of all wood stoves made in Canada has improved immensely. You will find any EPA rated stove remarkably efficient compared to earlier designs.

  2. PAUL KUENN | | #2

    Thanks Malcolm!

    Know of any great resources for reviews? I appreciate the mention of other brands to look into.

  3. Expert Member

    No sorry. Everyone I know around here has a wood stove either as primary or backup heat. This may seem odd, but although between them they probably own a dozen brands, I've never heard any of them say they didn't like any particular one. So either people I know aren't that picky, or there really isn't a lot to choose between them.

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