Anyone look at GEALAN S 9000 windows?

I was visiting my mom in Lithuania and she just had new windows installed in her condo. They really caught my eye so I asked where she got them. I really love using tilt and turn windows every time I come to Europe.
Looks like Intus isn’t the only Lithuanian brand that makes really good windows (though I am pricing out CPVC versions too for my house).
Windows in my mom’s place are these:
Anyone tried to import Gealan windows? I think they are German brand but manufactured in Lithuania.
I inquired here locally (in Lithuania) and I could have them made in two weeks in sizes I need and triple glazing. Prices made Anderson and Marvin windows I installed look like a rip off. Especially considering I wouldn’t have to pay the VAT.
So I am tempted to figure out shipping for those and get them over to MA.
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Yes, triple-glazed windows manufactured in Eastern Europe (often with German hardware and German vinyl lineals) cost much less, and have better performance specs, than U.S.-made windows.
I think you'll find that you'll have to pay for a shipping container to move your windows. Since a shipping container can hold enough windows for several homes, your windows won't be cheap unless you find 4 or 5 other people to split the container with you. Many importers of East European windows, including Zola, charge a set price -- in Zola's case, $4,800 per container. Other importers report costs in the same range for shipping ($3,500 to $5,000 for a container from Europe to a U.S. port).
If you buy Intus windows from a U.S. distributor, or Zola windows from a U.S. distributor, you'll get European windows without the hassle of paying for a shipping container, arranging for careful packing, arranging for the container to be moved from the port to your job site, and getting an insurance company to cover damages during shipping.
I am checking out all the options. Nice thing for me, there is one company that basically all expats in US use (Atlantic Express), so there are always containers going both ways with some room in it.
Too bad I did not learn about Intus, Zola, and other windows (well, wasn't on GBH at that time) before I spent $15K to replace bunch of windows in my house. I like Marvin casements, but tilt and turns from Euro brands just make those look like last century.