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AprilAire system with makeup air for basement

jesse_m | Posted in General Questions on

We have a basement that has a musty smell and that seems to be a little more humid than we would like.  It currently averages around 50%  Given some previously remediated mold issues in the basement, an HVAC contractor recommended an Aprilaire dehumidifier with a fresh air intake to help keep our humidity lower in the basement, while providing fresh air to our house. 

Our HVAC is in the basement and is a zoned system that covers our mostly finished basement and main floor.  The house was built in 2020 and I am not sure what is under the concrete slab, nor do we want to bite the bullet to purchase a French drain system with sump pump and re-do what is already finished in the basement.  My question is this, is installing the Dehumidifier system with a fresh air intake going to create more problems than its worth? I am told that the system has a HEPA filter to prevent pollen, mold, dust, etc. from entering our home, but I am concerned that we may be introducing new complexities to our indoor air quality concerns.  

We live in climate zone 4A outside of Charlotte, NC.

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  1. user-2310254 | | #1

    Is this a unit with the ventilation kit? I think you want a ventilating dehumidifier to dehumidify and also provide outdoor air for improving air quality. (I saw you in another post that you also have elevated NO2 levels.)

    I would make sure the unit is large enough to provide sufficient fresh air and, since it might run almost continuously, is Energy Star rated.

  2. jesse_m | | #2

    Yes, it has a ventilation kit with it, and it would be installed similarly to the picture attached.

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