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Ed Welch | Posted in Green Products and Materials on

I’ve always wondered how ‘green’ bamboo really is….primarily because most of it ships from China and Africa….thousands of miles away, using huge amounts of fuel to transport. Can’t we grow it here in North America? Does anyone know of any “local” sources of bamboo? I do see the ‘criminal’ nature of harvesting wood through clear cuts, but don’t view bamboo as a savior. Using recycled wood products for flooring or even selectively cut hardwoods may be better.

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  1. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay | | #1

    I agree with you. Seek out local sources of supply for your flooring. Here in Vermont, plenty of responsible local loggers cut maple and cherry, which can easily be locally milled for flooring. My own house includes recycled hardwood flooring I salvaged from a building scheduled for demolition; it cost me nothing.

    There's nothing wrong with logging, as long as it is carried out responsibly.

  2. Riversong | | #2

    I'm waiting for someone to make construction materials from Japanese knotweed, an increasingly common invasive species that looks a lot like bamboo. The young shoots make a great substitute for rhubard, as in strawberry knotweed pie (yum).

    As for "responsible logging", like "green building" there's a wide range of what's considered acceptable. I'm a strong supporter of locally-harvested lumber, but I would prefer to see it logged with horses (or at least forwarders) rather than skidders.

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