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Basement waterproofing

rhl_ | Posted in General Questions on

In this link they polyethylene is above the rigid foam:

this doesn’t make sense to me. I get that the EPS/XPS foam that is typically used is waterproof, but if your doing floor heat wouldn’t you want it the other way? I  wouldn’t the staples for the the floor heat defeat the vapor barrier? 

Also somewhere was a version of this article with more details on how to build this. Any pointers to that?

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  1. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay | | #1

    Your question is unclear. Are you talking about a slab or a wall? If you are talking about a slab, you might want to read this article: "Polyethylene Under Concrete Slabs."

    Unlike an air barrier, a vapor barrier can have holes in it without significantly reducing its effectiveness as a vapor barrier. If a vapor barrier consists of 96% membrane and 4% holes, it is still 96% as effective as a membrane with no holes.

  2. rhl_ | | #2

    Sorry I meant under the floor slab.

  3. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay | | #3

    Did you read the article I linked to? This one: "Polyethylene Under Concrete Slabs."

  4. rhl_ | | #4

    I just started — apologies. Edited my response

  5. rhl_ | | #5

    Perhaps these were the plans I was mentioning? The link is now broken.

  6. GBA Editor
    1. rhl_ | | #7

      Aha, the link on the article needs to be updated..

  7. rhl_ | | #8

    One last question:

    Would there be any problems if when in addition to the build described one added:

    Schluter Bekotec above the Polyethylene for laying out floor heat pipes? This is essentially R-2 of EPS foam.

    So the layout from top to bottom of the basement floor would be:

    Concrete slab
    Pipes and bekotec or equivalent
    Polytheline vapor barrier
    R-20 of Rigid Foam (EPS or XPS)
    4” 3/4” clean washed stone
    Mother nature

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