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Can you use Blueskin without a drain plane?

user-712662 | Posted in Energy Efficiency and Durability on

The architect for my client’s home has specified Blueskin WRB under untreated Alaskan Yellow Cedar with no drain plane. The house is facing the ocean just 200 feet away from the water on the central coast of California. In our mild climate we can often get away with building assemblies that other climates can’t, but the ocean is relentless on building materials.

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  1. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay | | #1

    Can you? Yes.

    Should you? No.

    By "drain plane," I assume you mean a rainscreen gap. In my opinion, you need the rainscreen gap.

    What type of siding are you talking about? Bevelled lap siding? Vertical board siding with shiplap joints? Something else?

    For more information on the advantages of having an air gap between the siding and your WRB, see All About Rainscreens.

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