Cascadia triple-pane fiberglass windows

We are looking at installing triple-pane fiberglass windows from Cascadia Windows out of Langley, BC. I am just curious if anybody on this forum has used them? Our home is outside Seattle, WA in Marine 4C. We are shooting for a pretty good house performance wise and are opting for their windows, over local windows, due to higher performance glass (u-factor, SHGC, VT, etc). Any comments helpful. Thank you.
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Here is a link to a relevant article: "What Windows Should I Buy?"
When I interviewed builders and designers for that article, two of them -- Dan Whitmore of Seattle, Washington, and Bronwyn Barry of San Jose, California -- had good things to say about Cascadia windows.
Thanks for the info Martin.
Did you ever end up going with Cascadia? I heard they had a $150K min order price. Is this true?
I don’t believe they are doing that now. I just got a quote from them and it was under $100k