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Insulation decision for metal building home in hot humid south

DMT78 | Posted in General Questions on

I’m planning out a metal building home 40x40x10 with a 6/12 roof in south Louisiana and am looking for advice from those with experience with metal buildings in the hot humid summers we have.  Half of the building will have cathedral ceilings. Here are the options i’m considering:
     1. My original plan was 2″ closed cell spray foam in walls and 3″ under roof. My concern with this was the thermal bridging through the beams that weren’t sprayed over and not being able to remove/replace the outer sheeting if needed.

     2.  Second option that I was recommended was use the 3″ vinyl backed insulation (bag-n-sag) between outer sheeting and metal frame then stuff rockwool inside of my 2×6 framed walls inside the building. (Could add radiant barrier under sheeting if that is a better option?)

I am trying to figure this out before beginning my build, so I can have a efficient home that will stand up to our hot summers and not have issues with condensation. Thanks in advance for any help.

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  1. walta100 | | #1

    The only effective way to insulate a metal framed building is to put 100% of the insulation on the exterior.

    The way I see it all the money you will saved by choosing the low construction cost of a pole or steel building will quickly disappear when you start heating or cooling it over time.

    You may find this video interesting.


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