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cleaning and sealing

wfmeuheatakeincsjb | Posted in Expert Exchange Q&A on

Opting for sustainable cleaning solutions in modern commercial spaces is very quickly becoming a necessity.

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  1. Expert Member
    BILL WICHERS | | #1

    I would question the wisdom of this. It's often important to disinfect things while cleaning, and disinfectants are, essentially by definition, toxic. If your cleaner doesn't kill the nasty little bacterium or virus, than that nasty little bacterium or virus could still be lurking, waiting to infect someone.

    I sometimes find people think that "all natural" or "organic" means it won't hurt you, and I like to remind them that things like the bubonic plague were "all natural" but also killd a big chunk of Europe's population back in the day. In a similar sense, sometimes you WANT the synthetic product, because it is actually SAFER in some one.


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